Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Things done during my Spring Break!

- I was in California! Pismo! Home!
- I spent quality time with the Fam!
walking Shelby dog at my home beach!
Cooking meals! delicious.
Swing dancing with my mom in the living room!

-I went on my own little few day trip to SoCal! Loma Linda!
Stayed at Aaron Vizcarras.
Ate lunch with Aaron, Tori, Danelle, Taylor, Brendon, and Jason at Taco stand called Cha Chas.
Played one on one Soccer: Ryan vs. Aaron. Aaron is good.
Played cut throat tennis with Aaron and Danelle.
I took Joe, Jeff, Aaron, Danelle, and Tori to Grammy and Gramps's in Riverside for a scrumptious Asian dinner.
I visited my sweet Filipino Grandma.
I ate Sushi with Amy and Ashley.
I longboarded for miles with Aaron and Amy had to drive us back to the car.
I ate Thai food at Ranu! with Maranatha, Serena, and Aaron.
I ate Ca Pizza Kitchen with Aunt Alane and Cousin Tony!

-Back at Home!
I went surfing a couple times! Once with my brother Rey, Excellent times!
I bought a new longboard, I cruised the streets.
Jacob Graybill came for the weekend. We laughed, played, and talked seriously.
Jack and I longboarded around the world. oh ya.

(in writing this... I realize how amazing a time I had once again!)

And I didn't take any pictures! shoot!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Thursday, March 06, 2008