Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Confucius Says.

I've a hunger, twisting my stomach into knots.

Not only am I really hungry and stuck in class, but i'm antsy, nervous, and excited about all the things I need to do.
First off, I have a twelve page paper due this week, I have 6 pages of journal entries i haven't been doing due soon, It's midterm i have some tests, I've had presentations, tests, quizzes, book reports, i have work tomorrow. And the thing with work is that i can't get out of it, I need to work. Not only for money, but to keep the job. I can only miss so many days. I need to earn vacation and sick days. I haven't been working enough to earn alot of days off. And I need to get away for midterm break and it's tricky.

But I have so much good going on! It's "THE" BIRTHDAY really soon. Born October 13, 1986. And check this out..

- My parents are coming

- We're hosting a Party/Show - filled with special performances and social interaction

- We're transforming the apartment into a small concert venue

- We're having a sound system, staging, lighting, projector, video, images.

- Special performances by - Ryan and Monica, Scott Kabel, Brad Schleenbaker and Brandon Robison, Tina Gemora, Maranatha and Amanda, Phillip Sherwood, Ben Foote, Zach Mcdonald.

- It's called The Yellow and Green birthday thing - Monica's favorite colors. everyone must wear these colors.

I'm so excited. And i wanted to do some simple planning but my life has been so crazy. It'll get done and it'll be good.

I'm glad I found some time to tell you guys about it. and read my previous blog below if you haven't. posted this same day.

more soon.


Trina Yeo said...

that sounds like so much fun, the yellow and green birthday thing...

ryan, i love you lots and wish you well...

i have a couple days off school, and phil had two weeks off, so he here in Cambodia and we're at angkor wat (siem reap) right now, just traveling

i miss you guys, i'm glad you're altogether for this special day...

happy 21

i'll try and call on the day

peace and love

EMILY STAR said...

HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FUNNY RYAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! You are a blessing to me and others ryan. that was from my heart...doesn't happen to much...especially to YOU! ha. :) ~Emily

Larkin said...

I MISSED IT! Happy Day, Happy Day, Happy Day, Ryan Yeo! Wish I coulda been there.