Sunday, April 06, 2008

(whistle) ooh...ooh..ohoo.

Here's a little song i wrote,
you might want to sing it note for note,

don't worry, be happy
in every life we have some trouble,
when you worry you make it double
don't worry, be happy

look at me im happy,
don't worry, be happy

i give you my phone number,
when your worried, call me,
i make you happy

Hey my peeps! Life has been crazy great! School, work, and play, all serving the Lord I pray.

question: would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?


EMILY STAR said...

who i was. if i had forgotten who i was i could figure it out again!

j-grew said...

i don't mean to burst your bubble, but, i heard that the guy that wrote that killed himself! ah the irony.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the time Mom, you, Scott, Mary and Bob sang that song at the VVAA talent show. Yeah, good times.

Anonymous said...

Bob Marley didn't kill himself, he died of cancer. Unless you count refusing amputation as a treatment because of your religious beliefs as killing yourself. There's nothing terribly ironic about that, though.

Anonymous said...

oh, i forgot to answer the question...definitely who i was. i could reinvent some parts of myself maybe, overcome some past fears...probably develop some new ones, lol...but i like the idea of a fresh start on self-esteem

j-grew said...

never mind. just a rumor.