Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Forgetfullness Reminds Me.

Mustache March Approaches. Actually, I had to shave recently for something and I grow facial hair so slow but I was working on the Facial hair February. Now I am way behind... But Alas I will get my Asian facial hair back!

But everyone grow that stuff!! Why do I love this? I don't know! Maybe cuz I will never be able to grow good facial hair ever!


AaroDynamics said...

Everyone knows that real men can't grow facial hair.

Trina Yeo said...

i saw this picture on myspace and it instantly made me smile. thanks for a quick laugh in the midst of a busy day. need those often.

Christoffer said...

ryan, if you could grow that drawing you'd be set, bro. you guys look sweet in those cell pictures too. i'm jealous. have a sweeter than honey spring break yeo.

Larkin said...

Not with that attitude.